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Rugge Photographer
location Miami
age 36
profession Photographer
hobbie nude shots
Where Brasil
languages English Castellano
Interview Premula
Photos Unitav


For journalists, bloggers and communication professionals
Creative Commons License
Editorial by editorial-system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


Football, passion of the crowds.
Relive the World Cup after so many years.
"By 2014 we will travel to Brazil to attend the world in this country."

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What is your favorite sport? What is your favorite sport?
Rugge : The only sport that I love is football. Which would never stop practicing.
Why the passion?
Rugge: Because since childhood I accompanied my father to the court, was for many years our weekend tradition. Output was our father and son, where I got the best memories of my childhood and youth.
Tell us the best memory you have of this tradition?
Rugge : undoubtedly was the amazing journey we made in 1986 to Mexico to see our selection play. He was joined experience that marked a before and after in my life.
What do you remember this trip?
Rugge: Although very small, I remember the time that the selection of my country entered the court, I was totally paralyzed. When our anthem began to play I was filled with emotion and I just burst into mourn for joy.
Could you re-live this experience?
Rugge: No, for this reason, after all these years I want to return to live with my son. By 2014 we will travel to Brazil to attend the world in this country.
How are you organizing this trip?
Rugge: For now I know that tickets will a close friend who lives in Brazil. And hired through, a hosting service.
What is
Rugge: It was recommended by my friend from Brazil, he used the service during their stay in Argentina to see the Dakar. Unitav is a web hosting for sports fans, know that they specialize in security this gave me time to think about where I'll stay with my son.


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