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Martina Garcia del Rio
location Buenos Aires
age 20
profession Estudiante
hobbie dance+sing
highlites Servicial y alegre
languages es
Interview Premula
Photos Perizonium


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Creative Commons License
Editorial by editorial-system is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


Low price, long trip
Young travelers choose to stay longer with cheaper accommodation.
"(...) as my budget is limited, try to minimize the costs of transport and accommodation."
annie escobedo

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Why did you choose Perizonium?
Martina : Because it allows me to find apartments in different locations at a great price, plus I can do all this from the web anywhere in the world.
Have you taken any other trips with them?
Martina: Yes, this is my fourth trip.
What were your previous destinations?
Martina : In South America I went to Peru. In Europe, London and Milan, and finally here, Miami.
Are you studying or working?
Martina: I am in my senior year of nursing, and I work as a receptionist in a restaurant in my hometown.
How did you manage your money during your trips?
Martina: Truly speaking, it is difficult. My funds are limited, and I really try to do my best to reduce the expenses of transport and placement.
So, with limited funds, can you really enjoy your trip to the fullest?
Martina: Yes, I control my expenses and I can do many different activities in the places I visit. For example, have a balloon ride, or go to a show.
What do you think about the advantages of renting an apartament?
Martina: In my case, I like the privacy that you get. Also, you can have a reunion, invite friends or cook for them.


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