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Nicolas Constantin
location Madrid
age 34
profession Bartender
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Twitter @BarMercenary
Interview premula
Photos Angel Giordano


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::Sessions :: Three Stars and a Barman in The Sensi Buenos Aires

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Has something changed in the bars of Buenos Aires in the last ten years?
Nicolas : Yes, it has definitely changed, not only in Buenos Aires, also in major cities like London, New York, Barcelona, Tokyo and Amsterdam. After the movie " Cocktail" with Tom Cruise, we began to see much flair (juggling with bar elements). There was a boom in direct drinks with lots of colors at the nightclubs. Later came the age of mixology that even today seeks to find its place in our country did not get to have great impact. The most dramatic change came about in 2006, thanks to internet forums, where historians like Ted Haigh (Dr. Cocktail) or David Wondrinch began to rescue classics that had been forgotten and claimed their rightfull place in the bar charts. With the help of communications the bartenders began to share bar knowledge worldwide and gave place to revival of the classics and their variations. Fortunately more and more people are betting on such kind of proposals with good quality in their final products.
What are the current trends regarding bar cocktails?
Nicolas : Drinks today are made to ensure that guests enjoy an experience and the trend is to make them lighter, fresh and smooth. Personalized menues or families of drinks, in which each customer to choose between different options the mixture of ingredients that they would like in their cocktails. It excels in the authorship of the cocktails menus and many great bars in the world set creations of the most famous bartenders that "donate" their crations for a specific bar such as "Galante " in London or " Old Rotten " in Ituzaingo . Great local bartenders go out to show their work at different bars participating as guests, or even in other countries when traveling . To give shape, aroma and even color to the ice. Number one bar in the world ("The Artesian " according Wolrd Best Bars) places over your drink bag filled with scents and compressed air which is released in front of you to create a complete sensory experience. The pairing of cocktails with food. Following the local bartenders through social networking. Homemade preparations like syrups, bitters, falernum, beer or ogreat (mainly because they do not get to enter our country, which encourages local bartenders to make their own productions ). The use of cutted bottles, marmelade jars and even metal or ceramic mugs as glassware.
Which ones would be three main stars that you can't miss in a bar.
Nicolas : - You can not miss a good service attitude, but you have to have good tools , the basic is shaker , mixing glass , trowels , strainers , bottle opener . A more complete kit includes everything from silver to fruitpicks micro - torch to caramelize sugar or gourmet spices to burn and provide aroma. A good bar should have a well designed and functional workstation, it is almost a luxury to have so today in Argentina . - Ice quality is essential, as well as seasonal fruits. Glassware is also a key element, some bars to carve your logo on it. - As for spirits a range from the standard to the ultra-premium. A basic bar should have vodka, whiskey (bourbon and soctch) , rum, gin, vermouth (dry and sweet) . Most professional bars have an extensive range of spirits, tequila and high-end liqueurs (St. Germain , Pama , Chambord, Chatreause , Domaine du Canton) and even absinthe or bitters.
How can we know if we are off to a good bartender?
Nicolas : For his technical skills, security in himself and knowledge. Also any bartender who serves its customers should be a good host. He must have the ability to step into the shoes of their guest.
Tell us a tip or technique to know , if a bar this good without necessarily having gone through the cashier.
Nicolas : It is very important that you observe staff service, if the place is clean, the kind of customers that it gets. Today mouth-to-mouth really helps people decide for a place, especially with the rise of social networks. Being a professional makes me have in mind things that the public usually does not see, as if the staff knows what to serve celiac, they touch the ice with his hand or if the bar actually respects the minimum standards of health and safety . But just to see if people treated well and paying attention to details is enough to realize if it is good, beyond the proposed offering.
Would you recommend us a bar in Buenos Aires that has these characteristics currently?
Nicolas : The Sensi is facing many of these trends, mounted on an old house completely renovated in 1930, it is divided into two floors and a terrace. Part of the decor of the bar is inspired by great artists of black music, with pictures and posters of the "most flashy" soul and funk artists such as George Clinton, Bootsy Collins, James Brown. It also has a dedicated rum bar with more than 50 imported labels. It menu serves as suggestion, but the cocktails can be defined and customized by the customer himself . Of course you have the inevitable classic drinks and martini section, but it is worth highlighting the personality and taste that give those classics. Coming soon will also feature live music.
Why do many people end up asking for a beer or a milkshake gancia rather than risk a more sophisticated cocktail , is a matter of taste or people in general is that there is no good quality in cocktails?
Nicolas : Today cocktail quality is very good, people are much more informed about the world of drinks and know better what they want to consume . Although much asks what you are used to take, should approach his barman friend and accept suggestions. The problem is that in certain places unscrupulous entrepreneurs may adulterate alcohol ( "spike" in the culinary jargon ) or use low quality products. Many people who had bad trips with tequila suffered it as a result of not taking good quality products, the quality of their residual alcohols produce a strong hangover. If you see something strange in a bar such as a pourer in a bottle that should have a bulilt-in regulator choose a beer, if not, go for a good drink!


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